Lovingly Inspired Living

Our goal is to create lovingly inspired homes for professional business people to live in.  We provide;

  • Great homes at affordable prices
  • One, all inclusive rental bill

A lovingly inspired service from our property care team

Contact P2P Now

  029 2105 1428

We care about you

Purpose2Property creates lovingly inspired homes for its customers to appreciate.

We care about where you live

Every fortnight our care team will clean communal areas of the property for you.  We can also offer packages to clean your room if this helps make your life easier?  Our gardener and handyman will visit regularly to maintain and provide care for your home and garden.

We attract great tenants to share with

We let exclusively to professional tenants in Bristol. Many come to us from our corporate partners for whom we provide relocation services.

You know you’ll be sharing with like-minded business professionals who value a quality place to live, that supports their careers, as well as having fun and building friendships.

We pay the bills

We don’t want you hanging on the telephone, for what feels like hours; opening, closing, changing or rearranging utility accounts, or having disagreements over splitting bills. Therefore Purpose2Property will pay the bills for you.

We give you time back

Purpose2Property want its tenants to enjoy their precious time. Rather than using your weekends to clean the bathroom, cut the grass, or argue about the bills, you can have more free time to do, and be with, those that you love.  Enjoy your time to create an inspired life with the help of Purpose2Property:)

Our properties include:

  • Free high speed wifi
  • Large flat screen television
  • Communal area
  • Council Tax included
  • Gas, water and electricity bills included
  • Lovingly inspired customer service

Top 10 Tenant Questions

1. Will I be able to have a lock on my bedroom door?

Yes, we take care for your safety by ensuring every bedroom has a lock

2. Can I bring a friend to stay?

Yes, however no more than 2 nights per week.  Also please be polite to mention this to your housemates

3. Do I pay a deposit?

Yes, this is equal to 1 month’s rent

5. How long can I stay?

We tend to ask for a minimum of a 6 months contract which can be extended. If your work contract is shorter please let us know

6. Can I bring my pet?

Sorry, no pets are allowed in any of our homes

7. I have a friend at work looking for a room as well – can you help?

Sure and you will receive an introduction bonus of £25 once they move in

8. Can I use Job Seekers Allowance

Sorry, no you will need to be in full time employment or be a mature/post graduate student. We will request confirmation from your employer or university

9. We are a couple and would like a double room – is that possible?

Unfortunately not, as our properties are designed for single occupancy only

10. What is provided in the room?

You will have a bed, mattress and frame, along with a mattress protector, a wardrobe, chest of drawers and bedside table. Many rooms have desks and chairs. All rooms have curtains